The WDBA is now Access4Equestrians

The Worplesdon & District Bridleways Association has changed its name to Access4Equestrians. The new name reflects the updated key objectives and aims that will enable it to effectively address the concerns of equestrians in the 21st century:

  • Risk from increased traffic on the roads

  • Threat to public rights of way from the rise in new housing developments

  • Conflict from multi-user groups using public rights of way

Access4Equestrians is affiliated to the British Horse Society which enables it to contribute at a national level as well as with local councils who want to improve countryside access and road safety for vulnerable users. 

Founded in 1992 with the aim of looking after the local network of bridleways and permissive horse rides for the whole community, Access4Equestrians (formerly the WDBA) has around 100 members and welcomes more to be part of a successful legacy for future generations to enjoy. 

For more information about Access4Equestrians’ objectives and aims, see About.